Kapuanani Dacquel
My boyfriend at the time was 25 and I had only been with him for a few months. We were drinking at his family’s party in Kihei and I suggested that we drive upcountry (about a 20-30 min drive) to another party that my friends were having. By that time, we had already had way too much to drink, but this was nothing new to me. I had done this so many times before, drinking and driving and thinking I was in some way invincible.
We got into his truck and started to make our way Upcountry on Maui Veteran’s Highway (formerly Mokulele Highway.) I didn’t have my seat belt on and neither did my boyfriend. I was so drunk that I was about to pass out, but I heard a distinct voice tell me, “Put on your seat belt,” (which later I would come to realize was The HOLY SPIRIT). So, I put my seat belt on and then passed out.
The next thing I remember is waking up as the truck was driving through a large traffic light post near the Humane Society. The truck came to a stop and I looked to the left of me and my boyfriend wasn’t there! He didn’t have his seat belt on, so he flew out of his driver side window and landed at least 50 feet from where the truck was. I ran to him and he tried to talk and get up but couldn’t. The impact was too much. There were several people that stopped on the side to help. I called my friend to pick me up and take me to the hospital because only by the Grace of GOD was I able to walk away with only a few minor bruises!
My boyfriend was put on life support. I would go to the hospital to visit him and believed that he would come out fine because as I talked to him, he would squeeze my hand which gave me hope. But about 5 days after the accident the doctor pronounced my boyfriend brain dead and his family decided to take him off life support. I remember just falling to my knees unable to stand and just crying out, Noooo! I could not comprehend how someone I cared so much for could be gone just like that.
There is no way to explain how I was able to come out of this accident alive BUT GOD!! How could he save such a sinner like me? GOD is just so merciful and so gracious. I know HE has a purpose for me. I am so thankful to The LORD for what HE has done!! I am now serving The LORD and am married to a wonderful, GOD fearing man and we have 6 beautiful jewels. I am part of this awesome church, The Word of Truth Church with wonderful pastors, Apostle Rocky and Pastor Bobbie and church family. I am so BLESSED!! And so grateful that GOD spared my life. Thank YOU JESUS!! ALL GLORY, PRAISE AND HONOR GOES TO THE LORD!!