The LORD is Sufficient for all of our needs

A Bold declaration isn’t it. That no matter what we may be going through in life we understand this one basic truth. GOD is sufficient for me. When things are going great, and it seems as though the abundance of Heaven has been poured out beyond measure. Or conversely, when I am wondering how I will ever be able to make ends meet. GOD is sufficient for me.
JEHOVAH JIREH, The LORD our Provider. This is who HE is. HE boldly declares that HE will provide for our every need, and so HE has. The thing that causes so many Christians to doubt is that we often confuse what we think we need; with what The LORD knows we need.
The LORD’s sufficiency goes far beyond the physical provisions that we need for our daily life. Our finances, food, family, all of the daily necessities, GOD goes far beyond all of that.
Our GOD is sufficient for every need, particularly when it comes to our spiritual well-being. We are called to be spiritually minded not carnally minded. To that end, we know that HE is sufficient in far too many ways for us to comprehend. In every area that we may lack, in our day to day struggle to live our life as The LORD would have us too, we recognize that in our weakness HE makes us strong. In our lack, HE makes us more than enough. In our struggle, HE makes us overcomers.
Each day that I serve The LORD, I recognize that the more I grow in my reliance on The LORD in every area of my life, the more I grow. GOD is more than enough for every area of our lives. There is nothing that we may go through in this life that will cause The LORD to shudder in fear of whether HE will be able to provide the breakthrough power needed in your situation.
GOD is sufficient for each of us. There is nothing that is too difficult for HIM, “Behold, I am The LORD, The GOD of all flesh; is there anything too hard for ME? Jer. 32:27.
As we continue to rely on The Goodness and Mercy of GOD, as we place our absolute trust in HIS desire to bless HIS children, we recognize just how much the love of GOD is poured out on us. We stand confident in HIS care and blessings in our life, and in the sufficiency of HIS purpose and plan for our lives. All that is required, IS OUR SUBMISSION TO IT!
All For HIM,
Pastor Hoolulu Brito